
The Genuine Gentleman is a modern gentleman’s lifestyle blog focused on simply one thing:

Learning how to become a better version of yourself

We welcome you to accompany us on a gentlemanly adventure throughout New England and beyond as we explore the people, the places, the history, heritage, and brands.

It is our sincerest hope to educate, encourage, and inspire you to make choices with the integrity, self respect, and wisdom of a gentleman. A gentlemen is defined on how you act and hold yourself. We believe that by continuing a life of education and a focus on daily improvement that it is possible to become an exceedingly well rounded individual who can inspire those around them. We believe that being great is a choice – and too often people choose the opposite. It takes hard work, judgement, and intelligent decisions to lead a quality life.

We hope that this perpetuates a current of positive change that will last generations.

The Gentleman Behind the Blog

The Authors! Get to know the Genuine Gentleman team: Blake Douglas and Thomas Morgan! Learn who we are, what we do, and why we started the Genuine Gentleman!

Blake Douglas, Esq.

Blake Douglas

Blake teaches the next generation of American human beings as a high-school social studies teacher, where every day he does his best to prepare the students for positively impacting the world. This interest in the global affairs and the general state of the world arose during his tours abroad as a combat veteran. Once back stateside Blake has constantly pursued further education and supported himself through achieving his Bachelors by driving tractor trailer trucks. The time behind the wheel afforded him with the opportunity to listen to audio-books and podcasts of his many interests. Other than spending time with his beautiful wife, some interests of his include art, particularly figurative sculpture, fitness training, and taking care of his pet Tarantula. One of his main focus is to perpetually pursue making himself a better person and with ‘The Genuine Gentleman‘ he hopes to share what he has learned with the world.

Sir Thomas Morgan, III

Thomas MorganThomas daylights as a computer engineer at a leading semiconductor company in Silicon Valley. Having reached some amount of personal success through education, hard work, and the advice and framework from his father he felt that he had more to offer the world than just his day job. Spending what little free he has, he loves to help people with their goals. He always had an interest in entrepreneurship and wanted to create something from the ground up. And with an interest in quality vintage menswear, self-improvement, finances, and education the idea for this blog sprang up. Collaborating with his longtime childhood friend Blake Douglas, ‘The Genuine Gentleman‘ was born! Having spent many years away from home, Thomas spends many weekends adventuring throughout the local New England towns. His other interests include leadership, self-improvement, pugilism, and the study of large and small scale strategy. His long-term goal is financial independence so that he can put his focus and full energy on making the world a better place.